
if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
Today’s letter is from a younger sister to her older brother who went to the army.
Sungmin: It’d good if I can have a younger sister like this. I have my younger brother, Sungjin, so it’s okay.
Wook: My mum and dad, it’s not too late! I want to have a younger sister!

Question: When do you think you’re the prettiest?
Wook: Usually when we finish showering, we’ll look at our abs..
Miryo: Do you have abs?
Wook: I made it recently.
Sungmin: He showed it a few times already.
Miryo: Ah, sorry, I should follow you on twitter soon and look for the pictures.
Wook: I will upload one for you.
Miryo: Please upload it!! Hahahaha.
Sungmin: If you buy our album, I did it too.
Miryo: Really? When will it be out?
RyeoSung: The album that’s already out.
Sungmin: The previous one..
Then Sungmin said that Miryo looks sexiest when she’s rapping on stage.

Wook said that Miryo’s hairstyle looks like Sungmin’s hairstyle during Don’t Don period. Miryo: “Actually I was copying Sungmin sshi”.


@темы: SuJu, Вуки, BEG, Miryo, Sukira, Сонмин, lol


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

@темы: Тофу, Онью, Shinee, lol


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
ах да, самой дурацкой подгруппе же 5 лет!

с чем их и поздравляем!

@темы: SuJu-T


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
уже начинаю вспоминать

@темы: SuJu, SS4, Сонмин


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
немного про SS4 в Сингапуре

@темы: SuJu, SS4


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
оу, у дайри что-то в дизигне поменялось D:

120221 Boom the K-POP - 슈퍼주니어 - Шупа Шоу в Тайване

@темы: SuJu


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
ку-ку =)
у Нелки есть несколько фанкамов, попробую запостить, когда вернёмся.
люблю Сонмина очень-очень, хоть он и задница хD

@темы: SuJu, Сингапур, SS4


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
так, мы в Москве) уже побывали в Старбаксе и отсиживаем задницы в терминале F аэропорта Шереметьево. подробности и фотки ищите (сёстры!) в моём твиттере, либо в Нелкином.

@темы: бытовое


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
мне нравится этот выпуск :3
хочу мужа-повара, можно мне замуж за Рёука? :gigi:

@темы: T-ara, Pretty Boys


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
нет, вот теперь точно всё :gigi:

@темы: пикча, SuJu, SS4, Сонмин


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
нате вам дразнилку Сонмина, и я точно пошла собирать вещи :3

@темы: пикча, SuJu, Sukira, Сонмин


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
о бедный Вуки хDD

RW: I actually have a lot of facial hair, so even though I'm an idol, when it
gets past noon, you can see the stubble.
SM: It's not even past noon.
SM: It's a few hours later, Ryeowook!
RW: Okay. But seriously, when we film music videos - actually, Eunhyuk
has to do this too.
SM: When we film them all night.
RW: But I'm worse than Eunhyuk.
SM: Right.
RW: I shave twice. And the director comes to me - "Ryeowook. It's time for
you to shave. You should shave."
RW: And especially when we're filming bright songs - when we were
filming Happiness!
SM: Oh yeah XD
RW: At the time, the director said, "You should come back after you
shave". And I was so surprised, so after that incident, I always bring my own razor with me when we film MVs and we always shave. So now I don't hear that type of comment, but at the time, it was a really hurtful comment. Although I'm a man. Because I'm an idol.

@темы: SuJu, Вуки, Sukira, Сонмин


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
MIN: Sometimes when I'm in the shower, there are many many things going on in my mind. And maybe many frustrating things happened on that day, I would be thinking of them while washing my hair. After rinsing my hair, and squeezed BODY WASH onto my hand, and I will just naturally rub it onto my head again....... Then I will feel that something isn't right, and scold myself that I'm so stupid... XD

@темы: SuJu, ах, Сонмин, брось ты все эти плохие мысли :3, Sukira, Сонмин


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
11.02.2012 в 13:01
Пишет  Teeyori Hanatsuki:

Помогите котёнку найти дом!

Малышка живёт в многоэтажке в районе метро Нагорная, ласковая и чистоплотная, по виду ей примерно 3-4 месяца.
Она любит людей и охотно идёт на контакт, любит играть. Давайте поможем ей найти семью!
Буду благодарна за перепост, контакт девочки, которая за ней ухаживает вот тут.

URL записи


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
Min: I want to become close with 2NE1 members.
Se7en: Who one do you want to become close with?
Min: Everyone^^
Se7en: *ask again with the same question*
Min: (laugh) Sandara Park-sshi

@темы: 2NE1, SuJu, Sukira, Se7en


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
мальчика кучерявого Стасика либо:
- убили, расчленили, остатки закопали
- заменили
- неудачная пластика

@темы: kazaky


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

@темы: f(x), Victoria


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

@темы: пикча, SuJu, Хичоль


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

09.02.2012 в 18:53
Пишет  Navy:

Развлекайтесь, в общем=)

URL записи

@темы: тест, флешмоб