
if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
Q: Tell us a fun episode in the dorm.
DH: I don’t sleep in, so I wake up early and when I come out of the shower after having woken up the members, I hear these strange alien sounds. The members tend to have severe sleeping habits in that when they talk in their sleep, it’s as if they’re speaking to one another but out of all of them, magnae Zelo seems to be really tired as he does it often. Whenever he does, I’d tell him, “Zelo~ You have to wake up” and he’d start saying random things to me in his sleep as a response. Sometimes, the hyungs tease him in telling him, “Zelo~ It’s already dinner! We have to go out” and he’ll respond as, “It’s already dinner? Alright.” Sometimes, he’ll run out to the front door if we tell him his parents are here. Whatever we tell him in his sleepy state, he’ll believe us 100% (laughs).

@темы: Zelo, Daehyun, bap


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
пара по центру ♥_♥

@темы: bap, DaeJae, Sukira


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
Хи-тян, тебе должно это понравиться))

SW said he sharing hotel room with DH but he'll shower with EH

@темы: SuJu, SS4, Шивон, Донхэ, Ынхёк


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
и это просто :heart:

@темы: SuJu, SS4, Донхэ, Сонмин


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

и ещё

@темы: SuJu, SS4, bb you r so cool, Сонмин


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
Zelo: My parents moved all the way here to Seoul because of me. They've been through a lot... Mom and dad I love you.
Ryeowook: Where are you originally from?
Zelo: I'm from Mokpo.
Sungmin: Donghae's hometown!
Ryeowook: Donghae hyung will like you a lot. If you see him later and tell him "Hyung~ I'm from Mokpo! Please buy me a meal!" then he will.

@темы: SuJu, Вуки, bap, Sukira, Джело, Сонмин


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
какая-то хрень в глазах смотреть мешает :crazylove:

(c) hellomamamiya

@темы: SuJu, Хичоль


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
A fan handed Daehyun chocolate for Valentine’s Day and he was going to take it once he said thank you but once the fan heard his voice, she said, “Wait, you’re not Yongguk oppa. Give it back.”

B.A.P decided to joke around by wearing the same glasses and a fan ran up to them and yelled, “Youngjae oppa, where is he!!!! Youngjae oppa!! Raise your hand!! Youngjae oppa!!”

Apparently Yongguk said he has a cologne that smells like ramen.

The reason why Zelo is shy around Yongguk is because of the age gap, but fans question him because Zelo talks back to Himchan who’s the same age as Yongguk.

Zelo was really excited to see a fan younger than him so when she asked for his autograph, he hid the album behind his back playfully and didn’t give it to her. She was really shocked and when he saw her facial expression, he laughed and gave it back to her.

@темы: bap


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
Ёнджэ и Химчан - две гади обижают Дэхёна :weep2: :gigi:
Джело, ты сам напросился на лимоны! :gigi:

@темы: bap


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

@темы: SuJu, SS4, Сонмин


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
хм... я думала, что у SJM будет камбэк во второй половине этого года... но сейчас смотрела Studio C, и Вук там сказал "Шупа Джуниор" без всяких добавок. а как же последний альбом перед перерывом и бла бла бла? Оо

@темы: SuJu


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
Sungmin's letter to Ryeowook:
Lastly, Ryeowook who has always been by my side, you have no idea how much strength you have given me just by always being here. Thank you. In the future let's work hard together for this 2 hours! I have checked the rankin for sukira, it's the 8th, but let's work hard together to bring it to the 1st!


Ryeowook to Sungmin: 'He is one of my best friends.'

these two :heart:

@темы: SuJu, Вуки, Sukira, Сонмин


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if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
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if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
RW: Sungmin-xi your feet used to get numb very frequently right?

MIN: Yeah! Probably because I don't have good blood circulation.. TAT sometime i cant move after sitting too long on the toilet seat, so uncomfortable TAT

RW: there's a solution. You just have to jump a few times and it will be gone! Of course it will feel horrible at that moment.

[CHI: RUI伊密达]

спасибо за подробности, Сонмин >_>

@темы: SuJu, Вуки, Sukira, Сонмин


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
There’s a photo in the Warrior album where all the members have their backs turned and a fan had asked him to sign the album. For a few seconds, Youngjae just stood there and the fan asked what was wrong. He said because they all had their backs faced, he didn’t know which one was him.

@темы: bap, Youngjae


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
Ёнджэ хочет быть мамой, Дэхён говорит, что Ёнджэ - тёлка, конечно, но не мама, Химчан говорит, что он - сестра О.о

@темы: bap


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
нет, ну сволочи же, они издеваются над Ёнджэ по поводу его веса =\ :D Дэхён по-моему что-то лишнего взболтнул, вот уж действительно лучше бы продолжал молчать
советы Химчана - эпик :facepalm2:

@темы: bap