
if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

@темы: bap, Killing camp


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

@темы: bap, Killing camp


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
젠장 (jen-jang) : Shit, goddamn, damn it
씨발 (shi-bal) : Fuck, fucking
병신 (byung-shin) : Dumbass, retard
엿먹어 (yut-mugguh) : Fuck you
미친놈 (mee-cheen-nom) : Crazy bastard
미친년 (mee-cheen-nyun) : Crazy bitch
걸레같은 년 (gul-leh-gat-eun-nyun) : Slut, whore
보지 (boh-jee) : Pussy
꺼저 (gguh-juh) : Get the hell out, leave me alone
씹새끼 (shib-seh-ggi) : Piece of shit, bitch, fucker
지랄 (ji-ral) : Bullshit

учимся ругаться по-корейски


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

Someone asked if doing broadcast with Min DJ or Wook DJ, Jia would like to work with Min DJ, because there’s a good memory. At the MAMA after -party, a guy kept pestering Jia & in the end Min DJ went up to intervene.

@темы: Вуки, miss A, Sukira, Сонмин


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

@темы: bap, Killing camp


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
люди, а почему они рашн капл-то?

@темы: Ай, Zico, Block B, Kyung


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

@темы: bap


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

@темы: Himchan, bap


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

@темы: bap, Youngjae


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

@темы: bap


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
старые добрый СуДжу, прям как мини-дорамы пересматриваешь:

@темы: SuJu


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

@темы: Sukira, Сонмин


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

@темы: Ай, Block B, Kyung


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

@темы: bap, Killing camp


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

@темы: Dalmatian


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
чорд! альбом у них очеееень хорош!

и ещё несколько песен
no joke!

@темы: Block B


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
вот только я не пойму чё с твоими волосами...
ах это парикмахер меня подстриг в парикмахерской
зато свою причёску я нахожу новаторской...

@темы: лавры Хичоля покоя не дают?, Сонмин


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

@темы: bap, Killing camp


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
Fei :heart: :heart: :heart:

@темы: miss A