
if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
танцевальная версия

@темы: bap


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

@темы: bap


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
welcome back, babyz!

@темы: bap


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
чота ржу

@темы: bap


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
МиМин <333
а ещё Мими оказывается ответственнен за Туннель - абазязя просто :heart:

@темы: SuJu-M, Чжоуми, Сонмин


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

толстый, ты такой классный ^^

@темы: SuJu-M, Сонмин


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
Ryeowook said Sungmin accidently threw his bday cake on Dongwoo’s face @ MBC gayo daechukje. Since 1/1 is Sungmin’s bday, SJ brought out a cake for Sungmin and Infinite who stood near by also wished him happy bday. Then SJ planned to put Sungmin’s face into the cake so he got scared and defense himself and accidently throw cake into Dongwoo

cr: qhuong

мы тут в связи с этим с моей сингапурской "подружкой" вспомнили, что на прошлый НГ (?) Дону рыдал из-за Сонмина. пришли к выводу, что Дону тайно в него влюблён :lol::lol::lol:
на самом деле, wtf, почему он всё время попадает? :gigi:

@темы: SuJu, Infinite, Dongwoo, Сонмин


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
у меня почему-то появилось желание написать пост поддержки женскому варианту Инпинит - 9 muses

@темы: Nine muses, 9 muses


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

какое плохое выступление =( Дэхён два раза ошибся, в танце - кто во что горазд, да и мальчики что-то такие затраханные... я, конечно, соскучилась по ним, но им бы всё же отдохнуть =\

@темы: bap


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
Нарша - богиня!!!!111

@темы: BEG, Narsha, IS2


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

@темы: SuJu-M, Сонмин


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
замиксовали так замиксовали

@темы: SuJu, SuJu-M


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't

@темы: DMTN


if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
ну какие няяяяяяяяяяяяяшкиииииииииииии :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

даёшь SJ-M промо в Корее!!!1111

@темы: SuJu-M