if i could i would but i can't so i shan't
Listener's problem is that she listens to her friends too much. Another listener asked if there's any Suju member with such problem too.
Sungmin: "Donghae is definitely the representative!"
Wook: "How can he be so easily influenced.. I'm really worried about him. If members said that something is good, he will only eat that. If members said that something is pretty, he will only wear that. He should be exercising now cos someone told him exercising at this hour is good, so he'll definitely do it at this time."
Sungmin: "Donghae dresses well.. But when members say 'why are you wearing that? That's weird..' He will take it off and wear other stuff."

@темы: SuJu, Вуки, Sukira, Донхэ, Сонмин